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Service Desk

White Paper: Self-Service Isn’t Self-Serving!

The Internet has transformed the way we shop – to the point where we take it for granted that a couple of clicks on a site such as Amazon will deliver a product to our doorstep the following… read more

MarsLander ITSM Mission Log – 10.03.21

Disruption. Transformation. Value Mission Director Log: 10.03.21 ‘The world is in a state of disruption’ thought the Mission Director of Space-Y.” Digital disruption caused by rapid emerging technologies is suddenly creating new business models and IT is becoming… read more

Cherwell 10.0 Service Management

Cherwell Service Management 10.0 is here and it will dramatically improve IT efficiency, employee productivity and really moves Cherwell forward from an innovation perspective. SO, WHAT’S NEW? CSM 10.0 introduces expanded channels, new models of collaboration, ground-breaking machine… read more

King Price Insurance Chooses Pink Elephant

King Price chooses Pink Elephant in South Africa. On the 1st of August 2019, Pink Elephant met the “king” following a three-month transition of the King Price Service Desk environment to the Pink Elephant Global Service Centre in… read more

6 tips for Service Desk Managers.

The Service Desk sees everything, speaks to everyone and deals with everything from forgotten passwords to Major Incidents. They are the unsung heroes of IT and are the IT single point of contact for many enterprises. Managing these… read more

What makes a good Service Desk Manager?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Service Desk are truly the unsung heroes of IT. They speak to everyone, see everything and deal with everything from lost power supplies to Major Incidents. Managing the… read more