Rikkii Richman MBA – 22/01/2021
Organisations are accelerating digital transformation agendas. A sensible approach; particularly where Covid-19 exposed weaknesses in current operating models. And if organisations want to exploit machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Agile and & more agile ways of working, it’s arguably essential.
However, a move to digital needs to be properly planned to avoid failed programs & wasted investments.
When I studied for an MBA in 2014/2015, my final project considered target operating models for success. It focused on operating frameworks and the transformational steps that organisations should consider when embarking on significant transformational change, e.g. when planning/executing a digital transformation strategy. My research spanned multiple industries at various stages of their transformations, identifying that implementation budget was no guarantee of success.
It also found support from the organisations’ senior managers was a key determinant of success & where organisations had positive outcomes, they were linked to a series of critical success factors. Other critical success factors include effective communication across the organisation and across teams, promoting collaboration throughout; targeted staff training, adopting a phased approach, assessing the current operating model to identify process priorities to address and the organisation’s culture readiness etc., there are many more. Importantly, the need for effective Consultant selection, use of Consultants and a project champion.
Irrespective of where you or your organisation is with its business or digital transformation initiatives, we can support your transformation activities by conducting a discovery exercise, create proposals recommending actions, lead or help lead you through various stages of the initiative. Please contact us for more information or to arrange an initial conversation to discuss how we can help.
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