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ITSM Visioning & Strategy
ITSM Visioning & Strategy
When a company decides to adopt an IT Service Management (ITSM) strategy, it can’t look in the right direction without a Vision.
A major transformation of any department can cause upheaval and chaos, not only internally among staff, but in the output, customers will see. Therefore, it is vital to establish a clear Vision for the project that has all stakeholders on board.
Adopting a new IT Service Management philosophy is a considerable undertaking and requires a proven implementation methodology to underpin it. Pink Elephant’s extensive hands-on experience in guiding organisations through this Change process has produced a set of defined roadmaps and templates that our consultants will apply to your organisation. Along with our expert guidance, we will steer your company through what can seem unnavigable territory to ensure the smoothest transition towards the new way of working.
How ITSM Visioning Overcomes Common Challenges
Creating this common Vision tackles the problems many IT organisations have with technology silos, which are difficult (practically as well as culturally) to break down. The thinking has to change from ‘technology silos’ to ‘services using different technologies’. Pink Elephant’s ITSM Visioning service provides a clear focus for the implementation and gives all participants a sense of direction and common objective to focus on.
Secondly, while the guidelines of ITSM can be applied incrementally in a phased approach, this simply isn’t enough. This approach needs to be guided by an overall strategy and plan that maps the ITSM disciplines, which in turn define the delivery of IT Services enterprise-wide. The thinking should not be to implement ITSM processes but to adopt Service Management.
Finally, while a company’s decision to adopt a quality best practice approach to delivering and supporting IT is a positive first step, expert knowledge and guidance is still needed to ensure the steps taken afterwards lead to a successful outcome. It is vital to understand the nature of an ITSM transformation, the logical steps needed for implementing service management, and the business value it will deliver.
How Does It Work?
Pink Elephant has established a service based upon pre-defined templates and deliverables which map to a formalised Project Plan and ARCI Matrix for Visioning. A Pink Elephant Project Manager works in conjunction with the client to identify all the required stakeholders, roles, responsibilities and actions that are required to bring the Vision to fruition.
As well as project plans and templates, a number of presentations and awareness sessions will be hosted to support the communication process. An ITSM Visioning Workshop provides the central focus for defining the Vision and identifying the desired future state of the IT organisation.
Inputs to the final document include a high-level inventory of current customer groups, services and technologies, a Key Stakeholder Map which facilitates effective communications, and the process deployment priorities for the project. The customer and IT user base are surveyed to identify any conflicting priorities, and project risks are identified in order to execute appropriate mitigation strategies.
The final output from this stage of the Roadmap is a Vision Strategy document which should be presented to the Project Board for permission to proceed to the next stage of the project.