Since the foundation of our organisation in 1980, we have experienced demand from our customers for temporary IT resources. While we are still providing quality IT personnel to fulfil contract positions, the market drivers creating this demand have changed.
In the past, temporary employees were only used as short-term replacements when employees called in sick or went on vacation. However, in recent years, skills shortage and economic uncertainty have changed the way we utilise contingent staff. Today’s companies desire a more elastic workforce, one that enables them to hire contingent or on-demand resources for specific projects rather than hire and onboard full-time employees.
More and more organisations recognise the advantages of a flexible workforce and are already exploring ways to incorporate contingent workers into their HR strategies. Conversations with these organisations have provided us with an insight into the impact of contingent workers on organisations and the advantages these organisations experience:
With the economy continuing to stagnate, businesses will remain cautious, which is why we are seeing an increase in the longer-term demand for flexible staff. In order to fulfil this demand, Pink Elephant depends on ‘the power of its network’. As we have been in the industry for over 35 years, we have established a diverse pool of Pink Associate’s: independent IT professionals trained by Pink Elephant who have committed themselves to us and participate in our projects.
Wondering how we can help you with your resourcing challenges?
Please contact us on +44 (0)118 324 0620 or
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We have a number of exciting opportunities to join our growing team. If you are looking for a company where career-minded professionals can achieve success while bringing their best self and qualities to work each day, Pink Elephant may be the company for you!
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