MarsLander ITSM Simulation Day
Do you recognise any of these challenges?On March 10th we will be taking off on an IT mission of discovery to Mars.

MarsLander ITSM Simulation Day
- The explosion of Agile and DevOps ways of working are putting pressure on your ITSM organisation to ‘make ITIL/ITSM more agile’! But How?
- You haven’t yet decided to invest in ITIL 4 and are wondering what value will ITIL4 bring’ and how it will align with agile and/or DevOps ways of working?
- You are investing in ITIL®4 capabilities but are struggling to translate theory into practice and to gain end-to-end buy-in? People are complaining ITIL is too theoretical.
- You are investing in ITIL®4 but are getting complaints from the agile/DevOps teams that ITIL slows things down and gets in the way – how can you convince them of the value?
- You need to break down SILO’s and have been start collaborating effectively as end-to-end teams. How can we foster a culture of collaboration and of continual improvement?
- You are being given more and more demands and opportunities to support the organisations digital ambitions but the business does not effectively govern IT and help prioritise resources against innovation, business as usual and continual improvement. How can you get the business to change behaviors?
Come and experience, in this hands-on learning-by-doing simulation an answer to these questions.
Pink Elephant and GamingWorks invite you to a free virtual ITSM business simulation taking place on the 10th March starting at 10 AM and finishing at 2 PM GMT.
In the business simulation workshop, you will be playing either a business or IT role in the Mission control room of the MarsLander mission. Working for a company called SPACE-Y.
As a team you will need to balance increasing demands and opportunities from different stakeholders. Innovating new products and service offerings, optimising existing business value, managing technical debt as well as aligning and improving end-to-end value streams. At the same time you willl be faced with running business as usual as well as Transforming to new agile ways of applying ITSM using ITIL4 concepts.
By playing in a number of game rounds and reflecting and improving between rounds you will also need to apply ‘continual learning and improving’ as a core team capability. Measuring the impact of the team’s continual improvement against business value.
All this with scarce resources and time pressure. All of this working remotely, demanding effective communication and collaboration skills?
Welcome to the world of digital transformation and digital disruption. Many organisations are now adopting ITIL4 but are struggling to translate theory into practice and create the necessary buy-in and commitment from end-to-end stakeholders. In this simulation the CEO is also skeptical. Come and demonstrate YOU can translate ITIL 4 theory into practice and deliver business value.
At the end of the session, we will capture concrete actions you can take away as an individual and actions to take away that need applying in YOUR organisation aimed at solving the challenges above.
This event is now fully booked. Join the waiting list for our next one using the form below.
You can also arrange your own simulation day here
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